We Work with the Whole Child

Enjoy an education uniquely designed for your child!

Maria Montessori Academy is not just about academics. We are about meeting the needs of the whole child in a variety of ways. Our school is inclusive, multi-cultural, and huge on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).

Key Points of the Montessori Method of Education

  • Montessori schools promote respect for children as unique individuals. The child’s social and emotional development along with academic development is of great concern.
  • Montessori schools are supportive schools where children don’t get lost in the crowd. 
  • Peace education is paramount to the Montessori philosophy. Dr. Maria Montessori was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times in her lifetime. 
  • Classrooms are bright and exciting environments for learning. 
  • The classrooms are multi-age classes which span three grade levels—children develop close and long-term relationships with teachers and classmates. 
  • The multi-grade classroom encourages a strong sense of community and teachers come to know each child’s learning style. 
  • Classrooms are not teacher centered but child centered. This allows students to develop their leadership skills and independence. 
  • The Montessori method assumes that children are born intelligent, they simply learn in different ways and progress at their own pace. Multiple intelligences are recognized and encouraged. Students move ahead as quickly as they are ready. 
  • Texts and workbooks are rarely used because many of the skills and concepts are abstract and a text simply doesn’t bring them to life. 
  • Montessori relies on hands-on, concrete materials to introduce new concepts. Investigation and research are experiences that actively engage the student. 
  • Learning is not based on rote drill and memorization. 
  • Montessori schools set high expectations and challenges all students not just those considered “gifted”. 
  • The students develop self-discipline and an integral sense of purpose and motivation. 
  • Montessori schools normally promote diversity in their student body, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and global perspective. 
  • Students develop a love of the natural world—outdoor education is a very important part of the Montessori curriculum. 
  • Students learn to care and contribute to others through their community service. 
  • Montessori teachers facilitate learning, coach students and come to know them as friends and mentors. 
  • Students learn that mistakes are natural steps in the learning process. 
  • Montessori students learn to collaborate and work together on major projects. They strive for their personal best in this non-graded environment rather than competing for the highest grade in the class. 
  • Families are important in these caring environments.  

Montessori Schools do not typically assign daily homework. Dr. Montessori believed that if we do not dictate the work of the child in class, then it does not make sense to dictate the work they choose at home. Therefore, traditional homework is kept to a minimum. Montessorians feel that children spend all day in the classroom learning and need their afternoons and evenings to pursue their personal interests, interact with their families and relax. 

  • Instead, we encourage activities which constructively direct a child’s pursuits during home hours, while nurturing their interests and building family bonds. A fundamental truth permeates Montessori’s work: children are desperate to learn! In a Montessori class, children are motivated to discover why and how things work. Therefore, homework, in a Montessori sense, is work that the child does at home, as an extension of his or her educational exploration. This can include things like household chores. Having responsibilities at home can help language skills and increase cultural awareness.
  • Make math a part of your home environment such as having the child pair socks and count by twos; dividing a pizza into equal parts; measuring ingredients, shopping and making change. Things such as this gives the child a voice in family decisions will help a child’s confidence, perceptions of Math concepts as well as learning about their own economic geography. Reading with your child every day will result in quality time, confidence and language skills, while creating a love of reading.
  • Quality Education has been a very hot topic recently in our news and social media as well as in films and documentaries and yet the question remains: Will more homework raise academic achievement and test scores? Much has been said about overly programmed after-school schedules; too much homework that steals family time; and an approach to learning that emphasizes memorization and test scores over real understanding and critical thinking.
  • Please consider spending quality time with your children, inspiring their natural curiosity and love for learning. They are only children for a short time.

MMA focuses more on home based projects than daily homework. Your teacher will give you more information on this as the year begins.